Diabetes Information
-Diabetes Facts
-History of Diabetes
-Causes of Diabetes
-Diabetes Complications
-Diabetes Education
-Diabetes Research
Diabetes Mellitus
-Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms
-Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
-Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes
-Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
-Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
-Type 1 Diabetes Diet
-Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Type 2 Diabetes
-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
-Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
-Type 2 Diabetes Causes
-Type 2 Diabetes Diet
-Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
-Type 2 Diabetes Medications
Gestational Diabetes
-Gestational Diabetes Test
-Gestational Diabetes Symptoms
-Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan
-Gestational Diabetes Treatment
Juvenile Diabetes
-Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms
-Juvenile Diabetes Treatment
Diabetes Insipidus
-Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
-Treatment for Diabetes Insipidus
Feline Diabetes
Diabetes Symptoms
-Signs of Diabetes
Also: Diabetes Sign Symptoms
-Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
Also: Type II Diabetes Symptoms
-Gestational Diabetes Symptoms
-Symptoms, Juvenile Diabetes
Also: Diabetes Symptoms in Child
(see also Blood Glucose)
-Glucose Level
Also: Blood Glucose Level
-Glucose Meter
Also: Blood Glucose Meter
-Glucose Monitor
Also: Blood Glucose Monitor
-Glucose Test
Also: Glucose Tolerance Test
-Glucose Intolerance
Diabetes Diet
-Diabetes Food
-Diabetes Nutrition
-Diabetes Diet Plan
-Type 2 Diabetes Diet
Diabetes Supply
-Diabetes Testing Supply
Diabetes Treatment
-Alternative Treatment for Diabetes
-Insulin Resistance
-Insulin Pump
-Lantus Insulin
Diabetes Care
-Diabetes Management
-Diabetes Associations
-Diabetes Prevention
-Diabetes Cure
is the No. 6 leading causes of deaths in the United States, according to 2001
data from the United States National Center for Health Statistics.
The following article was originally posted on
the Internet's potential.
Ever wondered where on the
World Wide Web you might discuss diabetes in German? Or see the chromosome where
a diabetes gene is located?
Look no further than
Rick Mendosa's
On-Line Resources for Diabetics. Mendosa has created one of the most
comprehensive and eclectic diabetes sites on the web. He reviews more than 100
websites of interest to people with diabetes, and also lists many diabetes news
groups and mailing lists.
"Nothing can compare with the Internet. I got support from so many people."
Mendosa, 61, lives in
Santa Cruz, Calif., and works as a freelance writer for magazines such as
Hispanic Business and Diabetes Insider. He started building his
website in early 1995 -- not long after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
In February 1994, Mendosa had some routine blood tests. When the results came
back, his doctor called him in and asked him, "Has anybody ever told you that
you have diabetes?"
"I wasn't as shocked by my diagnosis as a lot of people seem to be," Mendosa
says. "But it pushed me to change my lifestyle."
Mendosa had been overweight, weighing about 300 pounds. After his diagnosis, he
switched from TV dinners and pizza to a low-fat, vegetarian diet. "My sister
still can't believe it," he laughs. "It was a challenge, but I knew it was
something I had to do." Over the next year, he lost 60 pounds.
Benefiting from the huge audience on the web
"I wanted to learn as much as I could," he explains, "so I subscribed to several
diabetes magazines, and I read books and went to classes."
But his best source of information turned out to be the Internet. "Nothing can
compare with it," he says. "On the Internet, I got information and support from
so many people."
One time, for example, Mendosa became concerned that his HDL cholesterol, the
so-called "good" cholesterol associated with a reduced risk of heart attack,
might be too low. He posted a message to his Internet discussion group, and
almost immediately, his web friends with diabetes got back to him. "They told me
not to worry about it," he recalls. "It was a relief."
But the Internet helped Mendosa do a great deal more than simply manage his
diabetes. It's also how he met his wife, Catherine Nord, another person with
type 2 diabetes.
It all started when a woman on Mendosa's diabetes mailing list complained that
her boyfriend was unsympathetic to her dietary needs. She asked for advice about
what to do. Mendosa, who had been divorced for many years, fired back a
tongue-in-cheek response. "I said, 'Dump the jerk. There are a lot of better
people out there -- like me, for example.' "
Mendosa meant it only as a joke. "I was not looking for a relationship. Besides,
she lived far away from me in the Midwest."
But hundreds of subscribers to the mailing list read Mendosa's remark. Soon
afterward he received a message from another woman on the list. "How about me?"
the note read. "I'm a retired schoolteacher. I live in California. And like you,
I'm a type 2 diabetic." It was Nord.
"We started exchanging messages," Mendosa recalls. "Shortly after that, we went
to private email. Then to telephone calls. Finally, we met for a date."
One year later Nord and Mendosa were married.
Healthier -- and busier -- than ever
Today Mendosa says he's never been happier. Thanks to his low-fat diet and
regular exercise, he's brought his blood glucose numbers down so low that he no
longer needs to take any medication.
When he was first diagnosed, Mendosa says he used to check his blood sugar
before and after every meal. Nowadays, he tests himself only once a day before
breakfast. "I know how my body works at this point," he says.
For exercise he and his wife take a brisk walk together every day for about half
an hour.
As the number of diabetes resources on the web continues to rise, Mendosa spends
hours every weekend updating his site to stay on top of the changes. "I never
imagined it would turn into so much work," he sighs.
Mendosa says another web page of his devoted to the glycemic index actually gets
more visitors than his page on diabetes resources. "A lot of people aren't
familiar with the glycemic index," he says. "It's a concept that dates only to
about 1981. And the first good book on it came out just last year."
The glycemic index is a way for people to really fine-tune their diabetes
control. It measures the blood sugar effects of specific foods.
Mendosa makes no money from his web work. "It's just a hobby," he explains. But
on reflection, he says it's more than that. "It's a way to give back to the
Internet what the Internet gave me."
By Michael
Castleman, an award-winning health writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
He is the author of 10 consumer-health books and more than 500 articles dealing
with health, medicine, fitness, and sexuality. His latest book is Blended
Medicine (Rodale, 2000).
Last updated April 2000.