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Kidney Disease in Dogs
Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney Failure in Cats
Kidney Failure in Dogs
Renal Failure in Cats
Renal Failure in Dogs

Renal Failure in Cats

Signs of Renal Failure in Cats

In the early stages, signs of renal failure in cats are very non-specific and can be difficult to distinguish from the general signs of ageing. Unlike dogs, in which an increased thirst (polydipsia) and increased urination (polyuria) are common, polydipsia/polyuria is only reported in 30 to 40 per cent of cats. The most common signs are dullness, anorexia, weight loss and halitosis. Halitosis is a useful indication of renal disease: however, it is also associated with dental disease which is very prevalent in older cats. Cats with renal failure will often have a poor hair coat and a stiff gait. Some cats will also vomit due to the build up of waste products within the blood stream. Occasionally, cats will present with sudden onset blindness associated with bleeding into the eye or retinal detachment as a result of hypertension. Hypertension is commonly associated with renal failure in cats.

Although the loss of the kidney's functional ability is a slow and gradual process, some cats seem to present with a very sudden onset of signs. It is likely that these cats have been coping (compensating) by an increase in fluid throughput, enabling them to excrete their waste products over a larger volume as they are no longer able to concentrate their urine adequately. Eventually a threshold is reached when they are no longer able to compensate and clinical signs appear suddenly. The deterioration may be triggered by a relatively minor event such as a short period of starvation or vomiting which causes mild dehydration and the diseased kidneys are unable to cope.

Management of Renal Failure in Cats

Management will vary with the precise problems of an individual cat, the ease with which the patient can be medicated and financial considerations. Possible treatments that may be necessary include:

* Rehydration
* Correction of blood acidity
* Appetite stimulation
* Management of nausea and vomiting
* Treatment of hypertension Treatment of anaemia
* Potassium supplementation
* Control of increased blood phosphate levels (hyperphosphataemia)
* Treatment of reduced blood calcium (hypocalcaemia)
* Antibacterial therapy

In cats that present with severe disease, prompt and aggressive treatment may be necessary to stabilize their kidney function. In the longer term, much can be achieved by dietary management. A number of diets designed to manage cats with chronic renal failure are available both as tinned and dry forms.


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