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Renal Diet
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Kidney Purifier Reviews
Kidney Purifier Ingredients
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Nephrocaps Drug
Kidney Disease in Dogs
Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney Failure in Cats
Kidney Failure in Dogs
Renal Failure in Cats
Renal Failure in Dogs

Kidney Disease in Cats

Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Cats

  • scratching
  • mangy coat
  • fatigue
  • increased thirst
  • frequent urination

Treatment of Kidney Disease in Cats

Chronic renal failure in cats is progressive and incurable. No conventional or alternative medical treatment can reverse its course, since the kidney disease in cats involves the loss of kidney cells and replacement by scar tissue.

The most significant problems caused by the loss of kidney function are build-up of blood toxins, and anemia. These can cause weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, and other signs of illness.

In conventional medicine, there are drugs that can minimize anemia, and phosphate binders to prevent phosphorus precipitates from further damaging the kidneys. These may not be palatable, and may cause adverse reactions.

Kidney disease in cats may be managed in the following ways:

* Sodium intake must be restricted.

* Phosphorus intake must be restricted. avoid foods with an inverse calcium/phosphorus ration.

* Provide professional, fixed, formula food with restricted high-quality protein and minerals.

* Add crushed garlic to make up for potassium loss.

* Supplement his diet with B vitamins.

* Plenty of fresh water.


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Kidney Purifier
For renal health and the health of kidneys. $29.99/bottle.