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Renal Diet
Renal Diet Recipes
Renal Diabetic Diet
Kidney Purifier Reviews
Kidney Purifier Ingredients
Kidney Purifier Side Effects
Nephrocaps Drug
Kidney Disease in Dogs
Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney Failure in Cats
Kidney Failure in Dogs
Renal Failure in Cats
Renal Failure in Dogs

Kidney Disease in Dogs

Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dogs

  • drinking excess amounts of water
  • frequent urination
  • dilute urine with little color or order
  • leakage of urine
  • vomiting
  • weight loss
  • anorexia
  • lethargy
  • muscle weakness
  • elevated BUN (blood urea nitrogen) and creatinine
  • significant protein in the urine

Treatment of Kidney Disease in Dogs

Treatments for the symptoms of kidney disease in dogs include a low protein and low phosphorus prescription diet. The predominant effect of the low protein diet is to minimize production of uremic toxins so that the dog with kidney disease feels better. Low protein diets may help extend life in dogs with kidney disease. Note that some people use kidney dietary supplement designed for human beings such as Kidney Purifier on their dogs.  It may help, however, more research is needed to proof it's an effective product for kidney disease in dogs.

Phosphorus is more important in this regard, since high phosphorus accelerates renal failure, and restricted phosphorus slows it down. K/D is low in phosphorus, so it remains a good food for dogs with kidney disease in this condition. In addition to diet, IV fluids can be administered to correct disturbances created by the retention of uremic toxins. Epogen can be prescribed to treat the anemia of chronic renal failure, resulting in improving the quality, and probably the length of life.

Kidney dialysis for dogs is offered at several veterinary medical sites. The University of California, Davis, Veterinary Medical School is performing kidney transplants, but transplanted kidneys in dogs are commonly rejected, and involve an extraordinary expense and commitment. UC Davis will only do a renal transplant if the red cell cross matching and blood type is a perfect match. and if the tissue typing is also a perfect match.

Recipes for Dogs with Kidney Disease

Dogs with kidney disease may be fed using the following renal diet recipes:

Recipe 1

1 egg, large, cooked
3 cups potato, boiled with skin
1 tablespoon chicken fat
1 1/2 calcium carbonate tablets (600 milligrams calcium)
1/2 mulitple-mineral tablet

Recipe 2

1/4 cup cooked chicken breast
3 cups potato, boiled with skin
2 tablespoons chicken fat
1 1/2 calcium carbonate tablets (600 milligrams calcium)
1/2 multiple vitamin-mineral tablet

Recipe 3

Rice, white, cooked*** 237
Beef, regular, cooked + 78
Egg, large, boiled 20
Bread, white 50
Oil, vegetable 3
Calcium carbonate 1.5
Salt, iodized 0.5
Total 390

Recipe 4

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
6 Tblsps. low sodium, low fat chicken broth
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup cooked vegetable (green beans, carrots or mixed)


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Kidney Purifier
For renal health and the health of kidneys. $29.99/bottle.