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Jhudoras Cloud

Jhudoras Cloud is an interesting game on Neopets.  Jhudora, a witch, requires you to fetch her something... if successful then she will reward you, if not.. then something bad would happen.

How to Play Jhudoras Cloud:

On the page, just click the "I Accept" button. Jhudora will then ask you for an item to find for her and then will give you fifteen minutes to find it and give it to her. When you get your item, go back to the quests page and click on the button that says that you have the item that Jhudora wants. If you forgot what item you needed, you can also go to the same page, and Jhudroa will tell you. Congratulations, you have completed a level. You can come back in twelve hours to start another quest from her. After you finish, you will start the next level.

As you go on, the price will go higher. But after you pass a certain level, you will get a prize for it. There is also a high score table where you can get a trophy. If you fail to deliver an item to Jhudora, you have to start all the way from the beginning, so be careful! We have provided a list of what items you get after you pass a certain level.


1. Illusen will not let me do a quest!

Illusen and Jhuadora are not the best of friends, or sisters. After you do one quest for Illusen or Jhuadora, you cannot do another one of them for ether faerie for twelve hours.

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