China Investment Report
Discovering Quality Chinese Stocks, Shares, Chinese Companies, Investment
Opportunities and Reports
China Investment Report Current Issue: (April-May)
I. Chinese Currency Revaluation and Full Convertibility
According to our insider information, contrary to popular belief, China will not
allow convertibility of its currency for at least 2 years. However, it may
revalue, but at when you are not expected.
II. Comments to Sir John Templeton’s Interview
A Future GM, China’s Bargains, Will there be another crash? Views on gold,
Warren Buffett, housing prices, currencies. Lists of good currencies.
III. China’s Domestic Market
Approaching the lowest level in 6 years, and the bottom is near. However, it
might not be the best market to invest in.
IV. Purchasing Stocks Through Hong Kong for the Long Run
A few stock recommendations that would generate income for the long run
V. Commodity Futures
Serious investors should look into this. Graphs of sugar, corn, cotton, wheat
and soybeans.
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