COMMODITY FUNDS A growing interest from the public is to invest in commodity funds. Good news for investors who are interested in commodity funds. The first exchange traded fund investing in commodities, The Deutsche Bank Commodity Index Tracking Fund, (ticker symbol: DBC) is currently traded on the American Stock Exchange. Also see Exchange Traded Commodities listed in London Stock Exchange Managed Futures is another investment vehicle that plays on commodities. For top performing funds, please visit Managed Futures Please also see: Pimco Commodity Real Return Fund, and Oppenheimer Real Asset Fund However, we attempt to serve the public by providing a list of commodity funds below: We try to compile a list of commodity index funds that are publicly traded in the United States. Please see more information about commodity index funds. These are mutual funds that invest in stocks that are correlated with the prices of commodities. Although none of them do so, we try our best to obtain a rather complete list of related commodity mutual funds. 3. Managed Futures Funds (Managed Futures) Also know as commodity pools. These funds are managed by commodity trading advisors (CTAs)
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