by Eugene Buica

Also see

According to The Acting Corps’ founder and Artistic Director, Eugene Buica, “The Acting Corps has created a program encompassing the best of the Sanford Meisner and Michael Chekhov techniques. We've also added our own proven techniques, developed through many years of acting, directing, and teaching.”

At the heart of the Acting Corp program of courses is the daily course of study, The Actors’ Boot Camp, wherein, at the end of four weeks, the student will have a reasonable idea whether or not he or she may be well suited to the art and craft of acting.

Boot Camp I include three different kinds of classes in which students new to the Acting Corps philosophy begin to lay the foundation of their art.

ACTING CORPS TECHNIQUE meets twice a week, and builds upon the Meisner approach to living truthfully and listening moment to moment under imaginary circumstances. Students capable of deep commitment will find the pace of this class challenging; what often takes any number of months gets continuously drilled over four weeks, with each class building upon its predecessor. The Meisner approach informs the work of many established actors, from Robert Duvall to William H. Macy, from Kathy Bates to John Malkovich.

SCENE STUDY/COLD READING, the second course of the Actors’ Boot Camp, provides opportunity to apply the Meisner work as students get a variety of scenes up on its feet. Here you move through the process of reading scenes cold; the rehearsal process; on through to getting “off book” (having the lines committed to memory). Most importantly is the chance to witness the Meisner approach in action, applying the ability to listen and behave truthfully while performing the given scene. Serious actors are many times shocked at the speed with which their skills accelerate using the Meisner work directly on they move to get scenes up and running.

THE ACTOR’S INSTRUMENT rounds out the third required class, and provides exploration into movement, voice and speech, awareness, relaxation and imagination, in order to get the actor’s body and mind harmonious and malleable for performance.

(DAILY ACTING WORKOUT, not a required class during the Actors’ Boot Camp, but strongly recommended.)

After four weeks of the Actors’ Boot Camp, come the additional eight weeks of Actors’ Boot Camp II, open by invitation only, to those students who have demonstrated their seriousness and commitment in Actors’ Boot Camp I.

Actors’ Boot Camp II offers the chance to go deeper into the classes of Actors’ Boot Camp I, but with additional classes in ON-CAMERA TECHNIQUE. Concepts ranging from matching action and blocking to performance consistency and coverage warrant classroom exploration here.

Actors’ Boot Camp II additionally offers a class called THE BUSINESS OF THE BUSINESS, which serves to bring knowledge of the workaday world of the acting industry. The Acting Corps strongly assumes its students intend to earn their livings as actors; as a result, this course enables its students to approach the business of their chosen industry with eyes wide open.

Beyond the Actors’ Boot Camps I and II, which may be thought of as core strengthening for students of The Acting Corps, there are numerous other courses that round out the studio’s curriculum, which include additional classes, and industry business seminars.

THE ADVANCED PROGRAM contains classes that expose actors to the myriad of acting styles and genres found in the business, from sitcoms to commercials, features to episodic television.

THE AUDITION WORKSHOP (plus an additional CASTING DIRECTOR WORKSHOP) arm actors with all the required tools for doing your best throughout the audition process. Students will learn what protocols to expect and how best to conduct themselves during the process, which, ultimately helps to book work.

THE MASTER CLASS, designed for seasoned actors who have achieved some level of success but do not want to atrophy. We are all students, all the time. None of us can afford to plateau, creatively or financially.

THE DAILY ACTING WORKOUT provides the forum to keep the acting chops tight. An hour a day, every day, of Meisner exercises, Michael Chekhov work, Grotowski work, Spolin, and whatever else will get your body, mind, and voice connected. If you truly want to attain the highest level of training, or if you just need a place to warm up and prepare for that day's audition, you are cordially invited.

Further detailed information on these Acting Corps classes may be obtained on its website,


Acting School in Los Angeles
Acting Class in Los Angeles

Actors' Boot Camp

Actor's Boot Camp in Los Angeles - Details
Acting School in North Hollywood
Agents in Los Angeles


All contents copyright ' Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center, unless otherwise noted.